On December 25, our Holy Church celebrates the great and unexplained event of the incarnation of the Son and Word of God by the Most Holy Theotokos.
Gold Plated Image Nativity of Jesus Christ in Acrylic Glass (Plexiglass).ย The image can withstand outdoor weather conditions.ย It is ideal for cemeteries, churches, the garden or the balcony.
The acrylic images are produced in a monastery by monks, in two dimensions in order to cover every need.ย The figure comes with a removable plexiglass stand so it can stand.
On December 25, our church celebrates the great and inexplicable event of the fleshly birth of the Son and Word of God from the Blessed Virgin Mary.ย After the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary by the archangel Gabriel, and while the nine months from the supernatural conception of Christ in her virginal womb were about to end, Caesar Augustus ordered a census of the population of the Roman state.ย Then Joseph and the Virgin set out for Bethlehem, to be registered there.ย But because the time for the Virgin to give birth was approaching and they could not find a dwelling to settle in, because a lot of people had gathered in Bethlehem, they entered a poor cave.ย There the Theotokos gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ and cradled the Creator of all as a baby.
Our Church celebrates His memory on December 25